Bus by lake


We are so excited to see all of the students return/come to school this fall! We have worked long and hard to increase our service to district families by making several changes to bus routes:

  • Group Stops - where possible we have adopted group pick ups and drop offs as a way of creating shorter ride times and safer stops for the students.

  • Corridor Bus Routes - where possible we stopped the practice of going down dead end roads that required a turn around and back out scenario. This will lead to increased efficiency - shorter ride times - and safer stops.

Please remember bus routes are fluid and students need to be at their stop well before the stop time to ensure that they are seen and the driver is able to make a safe stop. During the first few days of school allow 8-10 minutes of variation in stop times - after that allow for 5 minutes.

Routes will be updated on the website throughout the year - so that parents and staff always have access to the most up to date information.


1.                Arrive at the bus stop 5 minutes early.

2.               Student IDs are required.

3.               Sit facing forward and stay seated.

4.                Fasten your seat belt.

5.                Keep the aisle clear.

6.                Be respectful.

7.                 Keep hands, feet, body and objects to yourself.

8.                No swearing, rude gestures, or cruel teasing.

9.               Talk in a classroom voice.

10.             Follow the driver’s directions.

11.               No food or drink on the bus except bottled water.

12.             Sit in your assigned seat.

13.             Tobacco or alcohol in ANY FORM IS PROHIBITED!

14.             Transportation vehicles are not to be used as a canvas for social media.  No photos or videos.

Parents please note that if your child causes damage to the bus, disciplinary actions will be taken and the costs associated with the repairs will be passed along to you. If your student is suspended from the bus, this includes activity trips, athletic trips and field trips.


Why does my student have to ride 2 buses per day? Park County School District #6 operates multi-tiered routing, meaning that our routes service every Park 6 student in that area regardless of which school they attend. This means a transfer is necessary to ensure students get to their school.

My student participates in an afterschool program, does the district offer transportation for afterschool programs? Yes, we offer a late bus that drops at only approved drops for students participating in afterschool programs. Pickup times from each building is as follows: -

Livingston: Pick up 12th St side at 4:25 pm

Eastside: Pick up 17th St side at 4:15 pm

Sunset: Pick up in the Bus Lane at 4:20 pm

CMS: Pick up in the Bus Lane at 4:40 pm


Why does my student ride the bus for so long? We are always reviewing and adjusting routes to ensure our ride times are as short as possible. There are several constraints that factor into our ability to shorten ride times - the biggest contribution is geographic location. Every route is ran so that the furthest away students are picked up first and dropped off last.

My student says: "they need a student ID to ride the bus?" Student IDs are critical to the transportation department's ability to locate children that happen to get on the wrong bus or miss their stop. When a concern rises about a student - we are able to quickly locate which bus the student is on and communicate to that specific driver without affecting other routes. All of this data is managed by a secure database.

I'm a new Kindergartener parent - what are the expectations: Drivers are required to drop Kindergarten/1st-grade students off to adults or have older siblings present. Please have a plan in place for this.

Please contact our transportation team with your questions and concerns about bus transportation in our district.

Jim Pehringer
Director of Transportation

Amber Bryant
Administrative Assistant/Dispatcher


Human Resources Department—we provide training.


Address: 801 38th St. Cody, WY 82414

Phone: (307) 587.2851


State law requires every driver to stop when meeting or overtaking, from either direction, a stopped school bus with flashing red lights. The driver shall not proceed until the school bus resumes motion or the flashing red lights are no longer activated.

When meeting a school bus with activated flashing red lights you may pass ONLY IF there is a physical barrier or separate roadway between your vehicle and the school bus. We believe there is no place within the Cody area where this part of the statute applies, but in many areas throughout Wyoming, it does. Drivers must be aware.

Bus Stops


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